Lesson 18
These exercises are working on slices out of 270's and 180's
1. 270 to a slice jump in extension - Start the dog facing jump one. Forward send to 1 and then move to cue extension slice on 2. Move second jump away for more speed in the drill. You could place a toy for reward on the line of the slice jump ahead of where they will land too.
2. 180 in to a slice in extension - Start the dogs parallel to the jump so they have to bend around the first corner and then run through for a slice in extension. Move second jump away for more speed in the drill. You could place a toy for reward on the line of the slice jump ahead of where they will land too.
3. Another exercise with two tunnels and a jump. This one you could either practice to push to the back serpentines or threadles. Or combo of both. If you don't have two tunnels you can replace with cones or similar.