Single Leg Push Ups
Purpose – Working on front leg strength individually. Also works on core strength when you do the 3 legged version
Criteria – outside front leg steps off the plank and hold a stand for a few sec, then back up to a nice stand position. When combining it with the front leg lifts the criteria is also for them to hold that lifted leg up mostly themselves.
Placement of reward – Food is in front of the dog with their head in a neutral stand position. Luring dog off the side. Can use zen hand for the hold positions.
Training tips – Pre requisite is dog understanding side stepping on the flat. Lure head to the side and hopefully they will step off. Most will definitely step their front foot off so mark and reward that initially. If the dog really isn’t getting it then have them off the foot targets and stepping sideways up on to it. Then try again to see if they have some concept. For the 3 legged version it's a pre requisite that they know front leg lifts in a stand.
Increasing difficulty – increase reps, maybe slightly increase height of platforms but you need to be careful that they can bend the leg on the platform correctly to do this.