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Sit to Stand

Purpose – This exercise is great for rear end strength in both the sit and the stand portions. For agility it’s really great to target the take off portion of a jump. 
Criteria – Back feet remain still, square sit, front feet moving forward and back.  
Placement of reward – Using a lure, move them forward out of the sit to a second platform for their front feet. Then move the food back towards their chest and ask for a sit. Position of your hand will affect their posture so make sure to pay attention to this! 
Training tips –This is usually a fairly easy one to train. If the dogs are unable to keep their back feet still you can place a hand under their tummy to help them stay more still for a bit. Once they have the idea remove that. If they aren’t as mobile in hips and knees, then it is harder for them to stay still and not adjust. 
Increasing difficulty – More difficult versions you will increase height on the front platform. Can also add something unstable under rear but you will want something that still allows them to have good form. 

Version 1
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