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Weight Shifts in a Stand
Purpose – Highly effective for working on strengthening the postural muscles. Works on adductors, abductors and core strength.
Criteria – Dog can maintain correct stand without falling over.
Placement of reward – For this exercise I tend to have food out in front of the dog on a chair in a container. I teach them that I am going to reward them when marked from that container. This allows me to get forward focus while being beside them and doing the weight shifting.
Increasing difficulty – Moving to angled board for extra weight on either front or rear. Unstable equipment like the Propel air. Increasing how much you push (as long as they can maintain position). Also increasing the amount of time held.
NB - When reading your program number of reps are per shoulder and hip. Each rep should start on a lower number of 5-10 secs and build up to 1 min.
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